Online Lessons
in Voice, Piano & Strings
M Institute for the Arts offers online music lessons with it's network of highly sought-after music teachers from across the world. Though our speciality is classical music, many of our teachers work with a wide range of levels, genres, and ages. Our team will make sure to place you with the right teacher for your level and goals.
Est. 2015 in Washington, DC, the M has been connecting the classical music community with world-class performing musicians and syndicated pedagogues for nearly a decade. Since 2020, the M has been an online platform, extending our reach from just the local Washington, DC community to all across the world.
Originally headquartered in Georgetown, Washington, DC, on 31st & M Streets, the M gets its name from the most famous street in Georgetown, M Street.


Christine (Pianist)
"Mr. Pandolfi is the most innovative and progressive piano instructor I have ever had. He has an incredible ability to synthesize the performance world to the pedagogical world.

Kelsey (Soprano)
Lessons at the M Institute have far exceeded my expectations, both in terms of my own progress but also the opportunities to perform.

Stephanie (Soprano)
I was so impressed by the lineup of incredible singers [...] I have appreciated the school's willingness to experiment and find ways to work around the current issues raised by the pandemic. It has been a real Godsend to have access to these opportunities.
Entire website © 2022-23 by M Institute for the Arts